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eating stones fund uk.

supporting grassroots development in Kenyan communities.

what we do.

what we do.

With over 10 years’ experience working with orphaned children and vulnerable groups in Kenya, Eating Stones Fund now aim to help local people deliver holistic healthcare packages in order to create healthy families, healthy communities and stop the prevalence of orphans in Kenya. Click on the images to learn more about our work.

you can help.

Danny Cassidy Eating Stones Volunteer Fundraiser Champion

volunteer or fundraise UK.

take on a personal challenge, arrange an event, or volunteer your time and become and Eating Stones Fund Ambassador.

Volunteer Opportunities in Kenya

volunteer Kenya.

we work with experienced healthcare professionals to conduct research, deliver education and training as well as carrying out skilled clinical interventions.

Flowers Kenya Donate Healthcare


a donation of £3.80 per month can provide vital health cover for an entire Kenyan family. one off or regular donations can be made via a number of platforms and we can also help you set up payroll or legacy donations.

you can help.


christmas campaign.

december 2018


It costs approximately £3,500 to train a nurse in Kenya. The cost of the course is often inhibitive for many Kenyans. In the run up to Christmas, Eating Stones Fund are hoping to raise a year's worth of tuition fees.


The impact that a trained nurse can have on their community in Kenya is huge. It is more than just a job for one person. The work they do, caring for their community will have an immeasurably large reach and change the lives of countless vulnerable people. Nurses in Kenya are carers, educators, medics, pharmacists, nutritionists, shoulders to cry on, supporters, advocates, friends, confidants and often the glue in a community.

Help us, help build healthy communities.

walking a mile (or a few) in their shoes

december 2018 - april 2019


Kenya is a vast country, with large expanses of open countryside. For rural communities the distance between clinics, hospitals and home can be hundreds of miles. Many vital, lifesaving services are only available in the capital, Nairobi. For those that can afford it and are well enough to make the trip this is a miserably long journey to seek treatment.


On her recent visit to Ukwala in Western Kenya, Eating Stones Fund Trustee Harriet was alarmed to hear of patients having to make the 400km journey to Nairobi for urgent medical care that could not be provided at any of the more local facilities.


To raise awareness of this plight Harriet will be aiming to run the equivalent distance of 400km between December 2018 and April 2019, hoping to be completed in time to mark the one year anniversary of her trip to Kenya. Harriet will be raising money for Eating Stones Fund, that will help rural communities access better healthcare. To follow her progress, offer your support and muchly appreciated words of encouragement for this mammoth undertaking, or even see how you can join in, follow one of the links, including following @Harriet_ESF on Twitter.



congratulations Liz & Craig.


Liz and Craig Wedding Fundraiser

Earlier this year, long-term ESF supporter and all round good egg Liz married her partner Craig, in Whitianga New Zealand. As someone who has been an encouraging voice for Eating Stones from the very beginning, we were chuffed to bits to see the beautiful pictures from their big day.

What was also delightful was to learn of the incredibly generous gift that Liz, Craig and the wedding-gang made to Eating Stones, as part of their celebration.

The bride and groom had added a "donate to charity" section to their wedding registry and picked Eating Stones as the recipients! This was a really lovely and completely unexpected gesture and we would like to thank Liz, Craig and everyone involved, for their incredibly thoughtful show of support.


she's takin' you for a ride.

august 2019

Prudential Ride London Fundraising for Eating Stones

Some might call her brave, others foolhardy. At Eating Stones we try to avoid such labels . . . 😋. Whatever you might call her, Libby (or the artist formally known as Clare) undertook the 46 miles of the Prudential Ride London, to raise much needed funds for our Kenyan projects. Rather you than us!

We know she completed the challenge but oddly was more forthcoming with a "before" photo of the event, rather than after?

To read Libby's story or to donate just click on one of these
JustGiving links. If you're interested in doing something similar, that would be a personal challenge for you, then send an email to and we can help you make it a reality.

ESF gets Tough & Muddery.

july 2019

ESF Tough Mudder
Eating Stones Does Tough Mudder

Mud, mud, glorious mud! Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood!

Well in this instance it was the mud, the ice obstacles and the glorious Yorkshire weather that was trying to chill out our intrepid Tough Mudder team. Despite this, and all of the high things, low things and other things to climb, crawl or swim through, Shauna, Luke, Adam, Sam and Chris survived the 8 mile+, Yorkshire Classic course.

The team did fantastically well and raised almost £1,500 in the process. Some of them even said that they might, possibly, consider, one day, maybe, conceiving, pondering, contemplating and ruminating about doing a Tough Mudder event again, perhaps. So it can't have been that bad!


Their JustGiving links are still up and working for any last minute donations. If you're interested in taking part in a Tough Mudder event (classic, 5k or mini) for Eating Stones we can help you navigate the sign-up process for 2020. It really is never too early to start training!

donate to eating stones just by shopping online.

always and forever

Eating Stones Easy Fundraising

Whenever you do any shopping online, a percentage of the money you would be spending anyway could be donated to Eating Stones Fund, at no extra cost to you! Now doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy!

Over the years easyfundraising has helped Eating Stones Fund raise thousands of pounds and you add to this by visiting their website, selecting us as your cause then shopping as you normally would. Simple! Hundreds of high-street retailers to choose from and it costs you nothing extra, not a sausage!

Eating Stones Easy Fundraising
Eating Stones Easy Fundraising

eating stones becomes Nursing Now group.

2019 - 2020.

eating stones fund uk supports1

Florence Nightingale is often credited as the founder of modern nursing. 2020 marks the 200th anniversary of her birth. The International Council of Nursing, World Health Organisation and Burdett Trust have declared 2020 the “International Year of the Nurse and Midwife”. Their partnership has led to the creation of the three-year (2018 - 2020) Nursing Now campaign, which aims to improve global health by raising the profile and status of nursing worldwide.

To celebrate this important year in nursing, Eating Stones Fund UK has become a local Nursing Now group and have developed a programme for 2020 which will promote shared learning and greater understanding of global health issues.

Read all about it and see how you could get involved with our 2020 programme.

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