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27th april 2019.


A team of Nurses, Trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Qualified ANPs, Doctors, HEMS Specialist Paramedics, Physiotherapy Assistants and a Policeman (to keep an eye on things) as well as a artist and an actor joined forces to raise money for Eating Stones Fund by walking the Yorkshire 3 Peaks in April this year.


Thomas, at the ripe old age of 13 waltzed round the 24 miles and 5,200ft of ascent in under 12-hours doing a sterling job of making the rest of the "old folks" look bad! He wasn't the fastest round though, with that accolade going to Team Shaw. The dad and double-daughter trio stormed round to snatch first place, in what was very definitely not a competition!

The 17 strong team raised an exceptional amount of money for Eating Stones, which will go towards improving healthcare in rural Kenya. With the majority of the walkers either having worked in, or still working in and around Major Trauma at Leeds General Infirmary, they know the difference that trained health-professionals can make to their communities. We would like to thank everyone for their hard work preparing, fundraising and on the hike itself. As well as to the donors and those behind the scenes who made it possible.


If you would like to see how they got on individually you can visit their JustGiving page by clicking the link, JustGiving. If you, your friends, family or colleagues fancy doing something similar for Eating Stones please get in touch and we can help make it a reality!

walking a mile (or a few) in their shoes.

december 2018 - april 2019

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Kenya is a vast country, with large expanses of open countryside. For rural communities the distance between clinics, hospitals and home can be hundreds of miles. Many vital, lifesaving services are only available in the capital, Nairobi. For those that can afford it and are well enough to make the trip this is a miserably long journey to seek treatment.


On her recent visit to Ukwala in Western Kenya, Eating Stones Fund Trustee Harriet was alarmed to hear of patients having to make the 417km journey to Nairobi for urgent medical care that could not be provided at any of the more local facilities.


To raise awareness of this plight Harriet ran the equivalent distance of 417km between December 2018 and April 2019, completing the challenge in time to mark the one year anniversary of her trip to Kenya. Harriet raised vitally needed money for Eating Stones Fund, that will help rural communities access better healthcare. Thank you to everyone who kept up-to-date with her progress, and who offered support and muchly appreciated words of encouragement for what was a mammoth undertaking. You can have a look at how she got on by finding her on Twitter @Harriet_ESF or by taking a peek at her JustGiving page. If you're interested in doing something similar that would be a personal challenge for you then send an email to and we can help you put it together.

christmas campaign.

december 2018


It costs approximately £3,500 to train a nurse in Kenya. The cost of the course is often inhibitive for many Kenyans. In the run up to Christmas, Eating Stones Fund are hoping to raise a year's worth of tuition fees.


The impact that a trained nurse can have on their community in Kenya is huge. It is more than just a job for one person. The work they do, caring for their community will have an immeasurably large reach and change the lives of countless vulnerable people. Nurses in Kenya are carers, educators, medics, pharmacists, nutritionists, shoulders to cry on, supporters, advocates, friends, confidants and often the glue in a community.

Help us, help build healthy communities.

donate to eating stones just by shopping online.

always and forever


Whenever you do any shopping online, a percentage of the money you would be spending anyway could be donated to Eating Stones Fund, at no extra cost to you! Now doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy!

Over the years easyfundraising has helped Eating Stones Fund raise thousands of pounds and you add to this by visiting their website, selecting us as your cause then shopping as you normally would. Simple! Hundreds of high-street retailers to choose from and it costs you nothing extra, not a sausage!

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